

  1. Nicholas Yung

    Nicholas’s Story: How ‘Good’ becomes ‘Better’, or even ‘the Best’
    Nicholas Yung, a Mathematics student in the University of Oxford, had a story illustrating the importance of well planning.

    Nicholas studied in the Diocesan Boys' School in Hong Kong, with only average results in his junior years. After subject selection, in which he chose to study Physics, Biology, Chemistry and M1, he managed to perform better but still a bit distant from the top, studying in the finest universities among the world seems to be a remote and idealistic dream.

    To pursue better academic results, Nicholas’s parents decided to bring him to ECA Education when he was in Form 4. In addition to normal schooling, ECA education also prepared Nicholas for GCE A-level exams as the second route for his future studies. Among the 24 papers that he had to take, he was able to finish 9 and 8 in F.4 and F.5 respectively. The thorough planning made it a lot more flexible for Nicholas to take on the remaining papers after he went to Brighton College to continue his secondary studies. With outstanding examination results, Nicholas was offered to study F.7 instead of F.6.

    Meanwhile, Nicholas was also able to discover his talents in the field of Mathematics during his tuition in ECA which plays an important role in his university choice. Which inspires him to take on the Mathematics Aptitude Test of Oxford  that same year. He achieved a superb score, thus received a conditional offer from the University of Oxford after the widely-known 'titanic' interview.

    To everyone’s amusement, Nicholas brought his academic excellence to an even higher level by getting 4 A*s in GCE. He was then admitted into the University of Oxford.

    Though Nicholas had to endure tough and packed learning schedule, he did succeed in the end with all the supports from his tutors and family. It's a stunning example of how students can demonstrate their full potential in studies with proper planning.

  2. Jeffrey Chan

    Dream of University Admission Coming True with Hard Work and Well Planning


    Jeffrey Chan, a current undergraduate in HKU, received 5 offers from local and UK universities, after years of hard work and support from ECA Education.

    Jeffrey studied in the Band 2 CMI secondary school and Mrs Chan decided to bring him to Mr. Yung, the tutor in ECA Education. With the support from experienced tutors, Jeffrey soon got impressive advancement in his results in Mathematics, scoring 80-90 marks in exams.

    Years after, he was transferred to an EMI secondary school with higher banding because of his advancement in studies. However, Mrs Chan was still confused about his son’s chances to get into local universities. Therefore, after long decision-making process, she made up her mind and sent Jeffrey to UK for senior secondary studies.

    Jeffrey, despite going to UK, did endeavour to achieve higher. Every term break and holiday, he came back to Hong Kong, not only to relax, but also to work hard for his study. He would go to Mr. Yung and buried his head into exercises and practices.

    Finishing the GCE, Jeffrey was able to obtain offers from the University College London, University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. At last, he accepted the offer from HKU and he studies Economics and Finance currently.

    Despite the fact that Jeffrey did not have a good start for his secondary school life, with proper planning, he was able to pursue his study in a renowned university.

  3. 'Mathematics programme in ECA Education is particularly good at clarifying complicated concepts. Since Mathematics can be very abstract, ECA Education provides me with intensive training on complex problems and with more practices, concepts become more understandable. Besides, the best thing here is the small group teaching. Whenever I have a question, I can always approach my tutors and have instant response from them. Since I have enrolled in the programmes, my Mathematics results showed significant improvement.’
    (Form 6, Local secondary school)

  4. 'ECA education provides a favourable condition for me to understand abstract mathematics formula. Teachers in ECA are very nice and they suggest useful study methods for different students so that everyone will understand. They provide us different past papers from other school and we can learn from our own mistakes. After having tutorial class in ECA, other than having improvement in school, I have more interest in Mathematics.'

    (Form 6, Local secondary school)