Booking, Cancellation and Bad Weather Policy
How to book for lessons?
To book and enroll for lessons, please call 2147 3728.
Who can book tuition sessions at ECA Education?
All bookings at ECA Education must be made by students currently attending ECA and/or their parent(s) or guardian(s). Bookings must be made through our online booking system and/or through telephone.
Ongoing clients
An ongoing client is someone who makes a commitment to attend weekly tuition for an indefinite period of time, these clients should request suitable timeslots each week using our online booking system. Timeslots are allocated by the system on a first-come-first-serve basis. It is impossible for ECA Education to overbook any given timeslot, in compliance with regulations of the Education Bureau.
Ad-hoc bookings can also be made via telephone. ECA Education will try to accommodate any such bookings, should a desired timeslot be unavailable, a suitable alternative will be suggested. Ad-hoc booking does not incur any extra service charges on top of our basic charge rate.
Ongoing clients are billed at the end of the month for the services used that month. Bills are due immediately. ECA Education does not provide credit terms.
Is block-booking for lessons available?
A block-booking client is someone who wishes to attend ECA within a fixed time period for a definite number of lessons. These students need not book through our online booking system. They should contact our staff directly and book their desired time block.
Can lessons be cancelled?
- Ongoing Clients
Ongoing clients can cancel bookings by logging into the online booking system. For details, please contact our staff. - Block-booking Clients
Block-booking clients cannot cancel lessons that have been paid for. Please ensure you are satisfied with the schedule before confirmation and payment. - Sickness
Upon presentation of a medical certificate, ongoing clients will not be charged and block-booking clients will be refunded. Please notify us at your earliest if you cannot attend due to illnesses. The medical certificate can be provided afterwards.
Bad Weather
- Typhoon signal number 8 or above / Black rainstorm warning:
Students should not come in for lessons. If the signal is raised during lesson times, we will close at the end of that lesson period and send students home. Parents should make arrangements to collect younger students.
- Typhoon signal number 3 / Red rainstorm warning:
Primary students are entitled to cancel if they consider travel conditions to be dangerous. We will remain open for all primary students who wish to attend. All secondary students should attend. Students starting their journeys from designated high risk areas in the New Territories should make a sensible decision on whether it is safe to travel and inform us immediately if they are unable to attend.