Lincoln Minster School Hong Kong Academy
本校與英國傳統寄宿學校 Lincoln Minster School 合作的 Lincoln Minster School Hong Kong Academy,提供個人性的的學習策略和針對性的升學規劃,度身訂造出最及學生的課程組合的A-Level課程,包括:英文、數學、生物、化學、物理、地理、經濟和心理學。只要完成整個課程而且成績達到校內要求,即可直接保送至University of Lincoln。如希望入讀其他大學,學生能以Lincoln Minster School畢業生的資格,經UCAS申請包括羅素大學集團等著名英國大學或經Non-Jupas申請本港大學。
中四/中五的學生可以報讀《二年制常規A-Level課程》,在兩年內以萬全的準備應考英國A-Level考試。而中六/ DSE失手的學生可以報讀《一年制精讀A-Level課程》,在一年內提升學習能力,為銜接英國大學課程做好準備。本校會因應學生的能力和志願,提供專業的諮詢服務,度身訂造出最適合學生的課程組合和上課時間表。
星期一至五 12:00-19:00
星期六日 10:30-1800
ECA Education is the Hong Kong Academy of Lincoln Minster School, a hundred-year old secondary school located in central England. We provide a list of A-Level courses, including English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Economics and Psychology to students who would like to study in United Kingdom in the future.
Upon completion of our courses, students who have met the requirements in A-Level Examination will receive PREFERENTIAL ENTRY to programmes in University of Lincoln. Students can also apply for other universities in United Kingdom(including the Russell Groups) as a graduate of Lincoln Minster School through Ucas or apply for Hong Kong local universities through Non-Jupas.
F. 4/ F. 5 students may apply “Two-Year Regular A-Level Programme” while F. 6 or gap year students are advised to take “One-Year Intensive A-Level Programme”. We also provide consulting services and tailor-made course arrangement for different students. You may contact us at 2147-3728 for more information.
一年精讀課程 One-Year Intensive A-Level Programme
本港中六/DSE失手的學生可以報讀《一年精讀課程》,在本校提供的7科選修科裏修讀3科。課程內容雖緊湊,但本校會因應學生的學習進度、強項、弱點等作出度身訂造的調整,以務求在一年內應考GCE A-Level或IGCSE考試。
F. 6/ gap year students are advised to take “One-Year Intensive A-Level Programme”. Students may choose 3 out of our 7 available subjects. Our intensive courses are designed according to student’s strengths and weaknesses to maximise their academic performance.
二年常規課程 Two-Year Intensive A-Level Programme
F. 4/F. 5 students may take “Two-Year Intensive A-Level Programme”. Students are advised take 3 out of our 7 available subjects. We can customized our programs according to students’ strengths and weaknesses, career path and their school’s schedule.
Students may choose 3 out of the 7 following subjects for GCE A-Level or IGCSE Examination.
- Mathematics
- Further Mathematics
- English
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Economics
Lincoln Minster School official website: https://www.lincolnminsterschool.co.uk/
You may contact us for more information. Our professional consultant can provide useful advices according to your requirement.
地址 Address : 油麻地彌敦道513號泰和商業大廈6樓 6/F, Tai Wo Commercial Building, 513 Nathan Road, Ya Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong
電話 Tel : 2147 3728
Whatsapp : 9327 2108
傳真 Fax : 2668 5806
電郵 Email : info@eca.hk
*Registration and enquiry hotline: 2147-3728
ECA Education reserves the right to amend class schedules without prior notice.

British Curriculum
2023-11-28British curriculum/IGCSE/GCE/IB Course: Looking for a meaningful and educational way to spend the Christmas holidays? Look no further! Join our exclusive British curriculum tutorial for math and science! We offer the following courses: CONTENT – GCSE / GCE A level / British School Regular Classes – IBMYP / IBPD COURSES…

2023 Summer Courses
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