• Tel: 2147 3728 | Fax: 2147 3738
  • Email: info@eca.hk


British Curriculum

British curriculum/IGCSE/GCE/IB Course:  Looking for a meaningful and educational way to spend the Christmas holidays? Look no further! Join our exclusive British curriculum tutorial for math and science! We offer the following courses: CONTENT – GCSE / GCE A level / British School Regular Classes – IBMYP / IBPD COURSES…

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隨着香港引入高端人才通行證計劃以及專才計劃,不少內地高學歷高技能的優秀人才舉家來到香港, 為子女找一所好學校,成為這些家庭到港後的頭等大事。本中心在香港從事教育多年,十分熟悉香港傳統名校,直資學校, 私立學校以及國際學校對學生的要求,在這個暑假成功協助數以十計的新來港同學升讀本地band 1名校及著名的國際學校, 如您正在為子女找學校而苦惱, 請與我們聯絡, 尋求專業意見及輔導. 聯絡電話: 2147 3728

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2023 Summer Courses

2023 Summer Courses We are offering tailor-made study and revision classes this summer for students who are keen to take advantage of their holiday breaks to drill on targeted subjects. Both local and overseas students are welcome! hourly rate at $250 only! Please call 2147 3728 or WhatsApp 9327 2108…

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轉眼又快到升中面試的日子, ECA多年來提供短期升中面試輔導,協助無數學生升讀心儀學校,特別長於培訓學生面試英中。課程除了模擬多類面試場景,更致力訓練學生中英對答能力,讓學生自信地展示自我。 除實體課外,因應最新疫情,本中心也為學生提供網上面試訓練。 實體課上課地點遍及油麻地、石門及火炭,欲知詳情,請即致電2147 3728或whatsapp9327 2108了解啦!  

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ECA皇牌數學導師容sir,培養無數尖子學生,從牛津大學、帝國理工到香港三大。有極具天分的學生,亦有數學成績慘不忍睹的同學,醉心教學法研究的容sir都自有方法,助學生迅速掌握學習要點,提升數學成績! 展望2022,想係虎年學業上虎虎生威,數學成績有驚喜,就一定要搵容sir,量身打造學習計劃,設定可實行目標,憑20年教數經驗,容sir製定的學習目標,實現率高達95%!  

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Australian Curriculum

原本澳洲就學,又或者預計將赴澳留學的學生,滯留在港,單靠自學都唔係辦法!暫時未能赴澳,又想為Australian Curriculum 及不同州份公開試,如HSC,VCE等等做好準備?聯絡 ECA Education 幫你啦!

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  疫情嚴峻,幸有香港社會各界發揮守望相助精神!ECA Education亦願盡一分力,現加入香港中文大學組織的抗疫義教平台, 為DSE學生提供數學科補底講座,冀望助學生在公開試中獲取佳績! 日期: 2022年3月14至4月4日 逢星期一下午1時45分至5時; 對象:應屆DSE數學科考生; 費用:全免; 名額:50個

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Our experienced Chinese teacher has been committed to helping international school students meet the challenges of Chinese language studies for years. We are now offering IGCSE Chinese First Language and Second Language Intensive Classes, focusing on writing and reading comprehension, to help students win A* in the Chinese language exam!…

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